Susan Sarandon claims White House ban, government surveillance

Susan Sarandon leveled an explosive charge against the government yesterday when she claimed that not only had her phones been tapped, but that she was denied entry to the White House.

During a Q&A at the Tribeca Film Festival, Sarandon made both claims when asked by an audience member if she believed herself to be under government surveillance. Sarandon was taking questions alongside director Michael Moore, who speculated that he was likely watched at one point or another.

Sarandon, who won a Best Actress Oscar for her performance in “Dead Man Walking,” has long been a highly visible activist for a wide range of left-wing causes, from the anti-war movement to gay rights. Her and former partner Tim Robbins were common fixtures at a variety of protests, and supported politicians such as Ralph Nader and John Edwards. Sarandon said that despite this, she did not know what in her record was severe enough to keep her out of the Obama White House.

No comment from the White House just yet, which, in Sarandon’s absence, will have to settle for the company of minor celebrities as Mick Jagger and George Clooney.

Source: Daily Mail